We are always open for submissions. Before submitting, read our mission carefully to understand if your work is a fit.

Requirements by Genre

  • Fiction — Limit 10k words, double-spaced, standard font. 

  • Flash (fiction or CNF) — Limit 1k words, double-spaced, standard font.

  • Poems — Submit up to 5 poems in one packet, limit 10 pages.

  • Art — Submit up to 3 pieces at a time, black/white or color.

  • Reviews, essays, and cultural critique — Please query the editors at menacesubmissions[AT]gmail[DOT]com with a pitch for your piece. We do not accept completed reviews at this time.   

We do accept hybrid work. Please submit work to the category most associated with your work. Indicate the work is a hybrid piece within your submission email.

How to Submit

  • Email your submission to menacesubmissions[AT]gmail[DOT]com. Please attach your submission as a .DOC, .DOCX, or .PDF file using a standard serif font. For art submissions, submit as a .JPG file. 

  • In the subject line of your email, please indicate the category to which you’re submitting. EXAMPLE: “Fiction for Menace”

  • In the body of your email, please include the title of your piece(s), word count (prose only), and a brief third-person bio (<100 words), and content warnings (if applicable). That’s it. We don’t want anything else.

  • Note that “transgressive” does not mean “traumatizing.” We reject work that uses trauma purely for shock value. Do better. Transcend the tired tropes.

  • Please do NOT include any verbiage in your email to explain your submission, whether about theme, topic, inspiration, or mission. Let your work speak for itself. Submissions including such verbiage will be disregarded.

  • We accept simultaneous submissions. Please let us know immediately if your work has been accepted elsewhere. 

  • We do not accept multiple submissions. Please submit to one genre and wait to hear back before submitting again. Multiple submissions will be disregarded.

  • We do not accept previously published work.

  • We do not accept AI-generated content. 

Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will be disregarded.

Upon acceptance, we request first rights for publication. Following publication, all rights revert back to the author. We ask that you credit M E N A C E as the place your work first appeared. 

Feedback/Tip Jar Submissions

If you would like feedback from our editors, including in-text markups and a 1-2 paragraph overall response, we offer the following tip jar submission options. Make payments via PayPal to menacesubmissions[AT]gmail[DOT]com, and indicate your feedback request within your submission email.

  • 1-3 poems — $15

  • Flash (fiction or CNF) — $15

  • Fiction — $30

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